da zepp chill on da zpring waltz

tru i blame da harzh tone on da zepp 88 8)


Diz already at 34 views, mofo!

ahahahah daiiiiim

REZPEC da claydahdong fanz 8)

Now 66!


Is this a piece I should recognize?

Ahhhh…. Clayderman. Tiz not. :slight_smile:


REZPEC da inzulated mofo :klazzikal m*zik: 8)


ok da zepp zhud juz attempt

da MAXIM croatian rhapzozheeyat next 8)

Dat iz only worth it if you wear da MAXIM outfits n prax profound facials in front of a mirror for a week beforehand 8)

“Facials” def key to maxim success, heh

mannnnn da zepp facial zkillz even worze den hiz tech tru 8)


zhorly a zkill da zepp got from hiz pokah career :whale:

Ahahaha da claydamofo!!

I’m sure I played something of his by ear years ago but it wasn’t dis item.
Da zepp’z 88 is MOZT IMPREZZIVELY RAPED, tru!

Tru, dat 88 iz mo devastated den SUZU, who made over 400 films in 365 days

ahahahah fuckkkkkkk

if da WHALE juz played da 88 n cut da gamblin addicktion

he cud well end up wiz a net worth high den da mo famouz BEREZOVZKY MOFO at da tym of death

randomly 8)

ahahaha REZPEC!! da zepp unpredicktably own da zcore to diz zheeyat, diz az imprezzive az da BOB ownin da PIMP GE zcorez i prezume 8)

I think I have da PIMP 1826 etudes too :smiley: :pimp:

ahahahaha diz CLAYDERMOFOFAN!!! :pianopop4life: ilovebritney.gif


Den again, he also has a high maintenance hot illuminati tranny daughter