da zepp randomly engage wiz a TUBE LEGEND


firzt, REZPEC da BOB fo bringin da followin GENSUI PERF to ma attention 8)

TRU diz mofo a PROVEN LEGEND of da tube 88 world, n da zepp promptly zhow hiz REZPECZ by engagin him in friendly bantah in da cummentz zection :lib: :comme: :dong: 8)


little duz he noe

da zepp zecretly plannin a VID REPLY in about 3 dayz tym (or pozz 2) :sunglasses:

Random part preview fo da SDC:


bazed on hiz maztery of da lingo, diz mofo moz lykly already on da SDC, n vil hence, ZEE DIZ

diz da tru cg of diz topic 8)

How convenient. The other day I was just wondering how it might have sounded when played the way Dreyschock did it.

Although… I don’t know… maybe not…


Dafuk, diz mofo mos def on da sdc already?!? sho urself, mofo

Da Zepp should play tha pimp’s reply, i.e. 25/2 in octaves. :pimp:

ahahahah fuckkkkk

i iz engagin diz LEGEND in a friendly convo

not engagin him

in BATTLE, u mofo!! 8)

DA 555 left hand fingering!!!

Daim diz raw WRIZT ZHAKE!


ahahahahah mannnnnnn

da zepp iz juz not gonna zit down n meticulouzly work out da bezt legato fingahrin fo diz zheeyat 8)

da full-length rape cummah:

:comme: :whale:

Mannn pozt diz mofoness in it’z own brand new topic!!!

ahahahah fuck :whale:


diz original mofoz perf which iz not even OCTZ all da way thru juz COMPLETELY ACADEMIC GHEYNEZZ compared wiz da ZEPP interp!

:rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum:


Sounded pretty good to me!~

Hmmm op 10 no 12 plus op 2 no 2 in octaves chop god style…

Or maybe chordal runs early pimp style. is room for improvemetn : )