Da zepp-zpace QUADRANT theory

da zepp hereby claim

fo every non-zelf mirrahrin 88 zong wiz a LH n a RH cumponent, dere exizt

exactly 4 verzionz of itzelf, one in each quadrant of 2D zepp-zpace, az below:

original - L/R zwitch - fully mirrored - fully mirrored den L/R zwitch


:arrow_left::leftwards_arrow_with_hook: - :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :arrow_left: - :arrow_right_hook: :arrow_right: - :arrow_right: :arrow_right_hook:

DEMO wiz da firzt zeppet (excuze da random cumpozitional anomaliez) :sunglasses:

Alzo by extenzion, dere iz

8 verzionz in 3D zepp zpace (4 mo L/R wrong direction comboz), correzpondin to da 3d octant

16 verzionz in 4D zepp zpace (8 mo zelf n mirrahed zelf comboz), correzpondin to da 4d 16zheeyatant

alzo 4/8/16 give 48/96/192 verzionz in all keyz

zumzheeyat zumzheeyat etc etc

oh n

dated: 0202 2020 :sunglasses:


dere iz alzo da ZCARLATTI ZPACE vere u juzt play da L/R zwitch but wiz handz crozzed ovah :sunglasses:


hahaha tru i wud cuntzidah dat da moz well-known 88 zpace :sunglasses:

Ma brain hurts, but ma ears are delighted.

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ahahaha da zepp bazically trollin himzelf wiz deze zheeyatz :sunglasses:

At their core these make the exact amount of sense as the chop gods… so chance doc and lib play these I bet.,


Should be called “racecar zteppetz” …




Ok, let moi check condfuckt an analysis of dose vids!

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ahahah alzo randomly corollary theory

da zepp-cycle n zepp-pointz fo mirrahed keyz

firzt bazic prior knowledge: da mirrah pointz = D n G# (diz da DOC haff already explained in da zupahvirt docu)

da zepp-cycle find da mirrah pointz fo zcalez (da zepp pointz)

da mirrah pointz fo maj zcalez = C n Gb

da mirrah pointz fo melodik minah zcalez azcendin part = G n Db

da mirrah point fo harmonik minah dun exizt, becuz da lone minah 3rd in da zcale iz da only pozz zymmetry point n tiz not LR zymmetrikal from dat point

Da zcale mirrahin cuncept pozz cunfuzin, but bazically tiz tryin to anzah da queztion of

fo a given X-key zcale, wut Y-key zcale cuntain da EXACT ZAME NOTEZ az a mirrahed X-key zcale

zo bazed on da zepp-cycle, fo maj zcalez:

C mirrah = C
Db mirrah = B
D mirrah = Bb
Eb mirrah = A

Gb mirrah = Gb

Fo melodik minah zcalez azcendin:

g minah mirrah = g minah
g# minah mirrah = f# minah
a minah mirrah = f minah

db minah mirrah = db minah

tru diz how da zepp zpend hiz zpare tym waitin fo dat inevitable drone azzazzionation :sunglasses:


Wtf daim

Diz can be easily turned into a book



tru both zheeyatz zhud be zpoken zimultaneouzly when introducin tha titl of tha zong :doc:
(not an original idea i ztole thiz from tha legendary authr CHINA MIEVILLE :sunglasses: )


Ahahahah fuck

Diz zubtle maztery of da lozt art of photozhop :sunglasses:


hahaha in fact tha…MZ PAINT :sunglasses:


Ahahaha DAYUM :whale: