da zepp ztruggle thru a zart clazzic

tru predicktably a bit zheeyat 8) :zhreddah: :jacko:


I c da zepp iz making an album :doc:

DIZ WIZ DA TM FAVE ZONG when he wuz 5! Truuu, dere wuz an album ov a fucking BRAZZ QUINTET (wiz trumofo senior? I need to ask) and I would ask to hear it ovah and over. Esp da MAJAH zect!

Ahaha da ZEPP godo style tranz!

I c…

Da album zhud be titled Homage to Godowsky! 8)

Rezpek da zepp!

ahahahahah!!! bazically

any mini-mofo wiz TRU SD inztinctz vil be immediately drawn to diz zong tru!!

mini-mofoz wiz MOIZT inztinctz vil inztead gravitate toward

da BACH c maj prelude 8)

ahahahaha n da MART cd predicktion

da lazy zepp ztill yet to finizh any of deze cg tranzz completely :sunglasses:

n randomly it wud be a bit harzh to call deze mofoz a GODO tribute

da GODO actually add hiz own gensui (n not zo gensui) material allovah. da zepp mozly juz do a raw invertizheeyat to get a cg rape experience, very little creativity involved tru :sunglasses:

Ahahaha diz clazzic!

Da TM correctly zpotz zum VOL influencez. Perhapz da zepp might like to do a Zepp-Vol-Turkish Dongah-Zart tranz?

ahahaha truuu da zepp haff indeed raped thru both clazzicz back to back in zum random high zchool zettin if I zheeyat correctly

Randomly I haff alzo meticulouzly notated da clazzic YUJA turka tranz:

One lyn from da zart
One lyn from da faz
DA VOL cummah
coda in arpz

tru 8)

I showed diz to ma motha n zhe wuz like “what da fuck”



da TRUMOFO MOTHA wuz lyk:

‘daiiiiim i wud rathah lizten to da ppp mofo’ 8)


No 8)

Anything dat iz not strictly GINZBURG academic gets a BIATCH ZLAP from her.

I unleashed da Maiden’s Wish in a SLIGHT golden age style n I got yelled
“No no what is that amateur shit? Where is the rhythm! What a mess”

Hahaha latah on in da day zhe zhook her head again in disapproval 8)


I wondah her reaction in seeing ma ex suck ma dick in da living room couch.

Ahh possibly lost Brahms study a la the Schubert imp reversal!!! Why do snobby dudes lick Brahms taint and full disregard his SDC style constribs?

ahahaha zhe haff a point dat tiz zhud be ZTRICKTLY PRIZTINE in da zenze dat:

da zong iz called da MAIDEN’z wizh, n not

da HO’z wizh 8)

ahahahah TRU dat et!!

da BRA zhorly had zum girth, zince he knew

da CLARA won’t be imprezzed wiz a randomly average penizt 8)

I play it like

Pimp’z Biatch 8)

He haz rezpectable Paganini Etz 8)