da zkep v da KATSARIS

maybe da TM not az far gone az da Trumpizm/flat-eartherizm zuggezt, cuz dere iz a lot of mofoz hoo don’t zee da ‘why da fuck’ part :lib:

yeah man, it’s not a petting zoo. You can’t just come up grab a random ass. 8)

tru, randomly da trumofo haff decent self cuntroll in da regard, I never once had da urge to cross da line with a student, no matter how short their skirt was 8)


that said, I do consider da possibility da chick invivted da KAT to chill wiz her backstage, and naturally he misread da cut n thought it is a invitation to plow her like mai seester. 8) no. 1! :borat:

TRU diz conzent bizniz a tricky zheeeyat

I refer to da clazzic TRUMP quote az an example:

“when u iz a ztar, dey let you do it… grab’em by da puzzy”

diz a clear indickation dat

CONZENT wuz given 8)

HAHAHA. Da Katsaris forgot one key point:

for diz to be a legit move - u haff to be a freemasonic zatanist and da ho you are grabbing by da poozy has to be a zecret illuminati tranny 8)

Bazically, dey dun tell da world how you tried to grab deir poozy and ended up wiz a handful of COCK 8)

da definition of “cunzent” juz go down da shitter at diz point 8)

datz also da key part which got ERASED from da leaked trump tape 8)