Dark, tragic pieces

I was wondering what dark pieces you can think of. I mean big dark pieces. Pieces like Godowskys Passacaglia, which I think is just tragic.
I also think the Bach/Busoni Chaconne is tragic and dark too. Throughout the whole piece there is a shadow looming, and only a little glimmer of hope when you get the bell sounds in the major, but that soon gives way to more sorrow. I sooooo think that piece should never end in the major, the piece is doomed from the start and I think a major chord at the end looses all the tension.
Mhe minor chords in both those pieces is like a kick in the balls and makes me sit back and reflect on what I just heard.
I want more pieces like these!!! :smiley:


Whats PW mean?

Talking about the Rach Chopin Variations, i think this piece is one of rach’s best pieces. It’s played to less, probably because it’s so freaking hard.

Isn’t this supposed to be a recordings forum?

kan - morte n 39/4 n 39/9

Chopin Funeral March



Alkan’s mad woman by the seashore

In rach hows about the Elegy

Lots of late liszt


Liszt - there’re four threnodies in 3e Année de Pèlerinage. Late works, especially, all introspective and such. Scriabin is a good one too, I think his etudes op65 all fit the bill.

Feinberg is nice. And Roslavets.

Szym vars op.3

I’m surprised that no one has mentioned Schubert D. 784 (A minor)… it has the death sigh motives occurring through all 3 mvts, a ton of FF and PP etc

Chopin Son 2
C minor sonatas of Mozart and Beethoven
D minor concerto
agreed with some later Liszt

last movement of Ligeti Horn Trio, the lamento

lamento means the mento right?

the “sigh motive” you’re referring to is called the lamento motif

as in lament :confused:

JRE, i’m not that stupid

I was kidding :open_mouth:

It is similar to a joke from some movie, SNL, or something…

where he says “le****, meaning the ****” or something along those lines; anyone care to refresh my memory? I don’t know if it was Ferrel or what.

I dont get it! :open_mouth:

i wasn’t making a joke as much as i was referencing this, but sheesh…


Anything combining a dark Baroque theme & Late Romantic aesthetic seems to do the trick.

Well I just discussed it in the other thread, but funérailles.