Dasha Kazan (??)

Anyone heard of this guy?

Dasha is generally a female name in Russian.

Yes, diminutive of Daria.
Never heard of this pianist though.

When I googled him - who is apparently a her - the name Daria Robotkina kept popping up. Maybe that’s the correct name?

The name sounds familar, vaguely remember a pianist with a similar sounding name from Piano Society c2004, could be her but she looks too young.

I think we’ve got her. Her website has a lot of Prokofiev among the audio clips, and the aesthetics is similar, even if she’s a bit more placable there. But it’s clear even from those clips that she bites.

Thanks chaps. I’m still looking for a good recording of these Etudes. Kissin has nailed the 3rd, and Rabotkina (presumably) here is good enough for me in the 4th. Field is still open in 1 and 2.

Yeah Kissin at Carnegie, some of his best playing.
Not a popular opinion, but that’s still my favourite recording of the Rhapsodie Espagnole by far.

Hm, I need to revisit it. I’m hugely fond of Stephen Hough’s studio recording myself. Bolet has a good one from Alice Tully Hall 1972-02-05 too, though I don’t find it quite as special as everyone else seem to do.

What is her website?

Tony FFS :slight_smile:

I don’t know WTF is going on mate. Just pass me da blunt and some of dat Russian azz :pimp:

Hough’s is an entirely different approach, very improvisatory in feel (e.g. what he does with many of the basses).
I enjoy it and it’s Lisztian to be sure but I just have Kissin’s interpretation burnt into my memory.
Bolet is good too, except for that tacked on, showy ending.