DENIZ DA MENACE -TRU zite cummah!!!

az all worthy SDC membahz zhud recall, diz iz da legend who denied da :rudy: firzt prize in da TCHAIK 97.

in contrazt to da ‘ztunninly fluid’ MT, witnezz da TRU peniz prezz quote:

“…fazt fingahz, powahful m*zik”

to date da only MENACE recz uncovahd iz da 2’50 live HOcar n da record prick3 mvmt3 endin from da anima cellfone rec, until now:

note: while poztin diz i iz only heard one sheeyat, da rappah2. n tiz HIGLY RECOMMENDED juz fo da caddy :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :doc: :doc:

hahaha wtf?! da cg caddy!

da menace : mah tchaik iz faztah den da rudy 8)

da menace : pleaz leave me alone nigga…

juzt aftah da tchaik comp rezult
da menace: thankz … 8)
poutin: heh… 8)

hahahaha tha genzui fucked up gueztbook


make a DENIZ icon wiz da ZHADEZ PIC!!


ahahahah FUCK n da actual PREZZ QUOTE iz:

‘da DENIZ pozzezzz :stop: -honahed traitz of fazt fingahz n powahful handz’

it dun even mention m*zic, REZPEC!!!

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

randomly, I knew the real Dennis The Mennis In gradeschool through highschool, and we were close friends in elementry (weird kid, his name is Mason Gamble, no idea what happened to him).

haha da oscar peterson imitation cadenza in hr2

The Prok 7 is impressive.
