diz queztion

hahaha da comme

well…if take some of chopin etudes and play a bit faster than you get op.10 no.4 (richter’s tempo) op.10 no.5 and op.10 no.7 would do the job.
actually if 60 seconds then I would go with op.25 no.9 and op.25 no.8 :stop: :stop: :stop: :dong:

Minute Waltz

IMO a very arrogant comment. How on earth would u expect anyone to know that this is a hard piece if you haven’t massive knowledge of piano music/technic?

When I first heard all of the chop ets I decided to learn opus. 10.2 because it sounded easiest. Obviously I found out that it wasn’t so…

I assume you mean tha tru pimp way

Of course

Yeeeeeah I am a badassmofo.

also comments:

#1 by H0rnehBarbie549, Nov 26, 2008
I want you to come over and play piano for me all night long.

hahahahahaha da cg

Some mainstream stuff like Bumblebee etc always impresses n00bz. They’ll be impressed by anything that is very fast & loud :slight_smile:

For tru leetness play the super mario airplatform theme…every noob will be like wtf

ahaha da zepp cummah to zet da record ztraight. da only officially zanctioned account of diz legednary anekdot iz az followz:

da zepp played it fo zum mofo who correctly obzerved:

“daim n i thought dat mofo from zhine wuz fazt!”


haha you wish

:whale: :whale: :whale: :stop:

hahaha da movie adaptation rewritin :stop: