for example, I tell my friend he plays like shit, which he doesnt, and he tells me the same thing. Sometimes we take it a bit too far and get angry but watever…i tell him his tech sucks, and he tells me i cannot play loud…which is tru…my loudest is a fukin mezzoforte at best…
same with u and ur friends?
October 3, 2006, 1:22am
milf, i wonder y u iz alwayz hurt when i inzult u, but u zhamelezzly inzult everyone elze
I inzult every1, moh simple dat way
when da ROB inzult da t25, tiz juzt…tiz juzt a very zensitive moment fo moi :greg:
hahhAHhA n diz, unlegendarily da t25’s 800th pozt
da VOLODYA hav certanin wayz fo handling mofoz hu dizreezpec moi
if tiz a mofo i uzually hook up wit hiz ziztah o GF n pozt lewd picz on da internet afterwordz
howevah if tiz a female i juz tell her zhe iz ugly (or overweight pozzibly, whatevah vill get da tearz flowing)
hahaha, i iz zimply a nice mofo, n zpeakth da truth, alwayz
October 4, 2006, 10:01pm
all mah freyndz worzhip moi
me remainz zilent
October 8, 2006, 8:14am
My friend make fun of me because I can’t play piano and I worship them for their abilities.
the only problem i haff with every mofo i met iz dat dey all praize me.