Favorin gunna win da clit

He got da eyez on da prize :stop:

Diz comp rep da mozt borin evah btw, mo scrib2 dan 5-10. Haydn fillah everywhere.

letz hope TRU!

but datz rite, da CLIT diz year iz a but puzzy in termz of rep.

Who cares?

Haha TRUMOFO didn’t make da cut.
Da shame :blush:

Doesn’t matter, it’s pretty rare that anyone coming out of the Cliburn makes a real splash anyway.
Remember Kobrin? What ever happened to that mofo?
Hoachen Zhang and Tsuji are still around from the 2009 edition but not exactly on Yuja, Trifonov level of fame.
I didn’t even watch the 2013 or this edition.
You’ll probably have to leave the states to have a better shot at a performing career.

Da USA a bit dog eats dog tru.
I didn’t make da Netherlands pimp comp selection.
Oh well, onwards!

Da clitcomp is a pretty prestigious mofo.

Hilariously da RUBY comp had no selection, Diz like da brothel - you iz invited if you iz worthy 8) Dey juz invited da worthy 30 mofoz

Why do the pimp comp again?

My view as a pianophile is that competitions just don’t interest me anymore.
Too many of them, same pianists, same pieces, same juries.
Of course I understand why young pianists do em and I sympathise.
I think Debargue is the only pianist to really hit it out of the park for me in recent times (I know Trif had an Ashkenazy level strike rate but I’m not sold on him yet).

Speaking of the brothel, I think it’s time it got shut down and deleted.
All those old posts embarrass me. :comme:

Favorin had better win. Dude is a straight up legend - easily my favourite of the younger pianists. He played one of the best Tannhausers I’ve ever heard, and he plays Feinberg sonatas like a boss.

This is the kind of playing we need in competitions. I know it’s sloppy, but it’s electric and DAMN impressive: youtu.be/xJYkouNnuwo?t=12m25s

He plays ALKAN too: LINK

Also, here’s his Favorin - Feinberg Sonata 5


Tru he should win this mofo 8)

I haven’t followed this year’s competition, but with that he’s ahead of the others with 1000 brownie points already with me.

The Tannhauser was indeed electrifying and really not that messy all things considered.
Interestingly da doc also struggled with that part but didn’t push it nearly as far as Favorin.
He’s got a lot of guts to play like that in a comp, so rezpec!
Actually, I was a little surprised he was doing this comp.

Listening to the Alkan now, seriously intense.


tiz a rezpecable imitation of da ZIFF CLAZZIC INTERP


howevah, note how da ZIFF zumhow maintain da zame volume when da alt octz turn into zingle handed broken octz

:ziff: 8)

So did he win?
Anyone watch any of this?

ahahahah mannnn not even da DOC cud zave diz ghey azz comp:



Man, “Marc-André HHHamelin”, da doc’s English transformation is complete.
He might as well give up the French piece names.


tru da DOC bazically parodyin da JOHN ZTEWART intro from da grammyz :sunglasses:

Haha da Favorin is infinitely better den da Kholodenko, who left out more notes in da TEz den any other pro rec.

Tru dis clitcomp looks way more respectable den da 2013 where it was a Kaplinski student fest 8)

The prize winners of the Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition are:

Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Gold Medal
Yekwon Sunwoo, 28, South Korea

Silver Medal
Kenneth Broberg, 23, United States

Bronze Medal
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

Audience Award
Rachel Cheung 張緯晴, 25, Hong Kong

Steven De Groote Memorial Award for the Best Performance of Chamber Music
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

Beverley Taylor Smith Award for the Best Performance of a New Work
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

John Giordano Jury Chairman Discretionary Award
Dasol Kim, 28, South Korea

Raymond E. Buck Jury Discretionary Award
Leonardo Pierdomenico, 24, Italy

Jury Discretionary Award
Tony Yike Yang, 18, Canada


Are 2nd and 3rd place Julliard mofos?