Finale/Sibelius help

Open call to anyone with skillz in said programs to help me notate some transcriptions, notably:

Schubert d. 810
(1) Faure song
(3) Schumann songs
Holst Planets–Mars, Venus, Mercury and (hopefully) Jupiter

I would of course, compensate for your time within whatever you may think is fair.

Thanks a bunch.

I can do it if you like, but I won’t be back from vacation until June 14th so you’d have to wait… are they your own arrangements and you just want them engraved?

They’re all my own arrangements–I’ve had some requests from fellow pianists to have them computer-notated; thanks for the offer.

I can give it a shot, I’ve some free time.

I could try on Sib

anyone else on Sib??? maybe we can split the work

ohw many pages???

I’m Sib.

i’m notewortyhy compozah 8)

damn you sibelius users. it’s the easy notation program… :wink:
