Fingering of octaves in Rach Gm op.23 No.5?

Hi, I’m largely self-taught, and have been playing for a few years. I have all but finished the Rachmaninoff prelude in Gm Op.23 No.5, but there is always one stumbling block in it for me. The descending octaves in the right hand that occur twice in the piece that go F# D# D C A# A F# D# D C A# A F# D. I have always used the 1-5 fingering for every single one, with little success. Is this wrong? I just read about the 1-4 for black notes and 1-5 for white notes tonight, and tried it out, and already, it seems easier. Is this the typical fingering for this section? Would appreciate any replies from you great pianists.



the 4 and 5 are what I always did, works like a dream.

tru dat

if u only uze 1,5 dere iz massive tenzion

Thank you so much! It now works great, I just needed to be reassured I was doing the right thing. Feel so good now. I agree, there was a lot of tension in my hand and arm with the 1-5 fingering, just never occured to me to change the fingering :blush:

ve aim to pleaze :whale:

hahaha da 23/5 iz technically a bit weak to haff a conzervatoire topic devoted to it, cuz lez face it

even a maori cud play diz 8)

Randomly don’t play diz piece but vill give mon aviz on octz in general. I use 15 14 moztly on octz, except for chrom sheeyts which iz all 15.


da brew who hath been confused for a maori at nightclubz

Chromatics all 15? damn, how fast and how long can u keep doing that?

I find it faster than 15 14, endurance hasn’t been a problem so far.

Da Taubman institute zayz if you play it correctly you oly need da 1-5, I never uze 1-4, except when I am doing the shocker or the Spocker.

hahaha randomly i alzo find 1/5 eaziah

but, da 14/5 allowz cheatin, ala orgy

wiz all wrizt ztrokez, 1/5 juz feelz cleanah n mo mofo

try it with that fingering.

provided u haff da requizite dex 8)

hahahah da dexz
