Get it NOW…
will do n thx fo tha info
haha i just got it. its fast as fuuuck. definitely sreccomended for speed demons.
haha i iz randomly still uzin da x-plorer
I might try dis out
haha IE has bugs and spyware and other sheeyats i hear. microsoft is probably watching your every move. get firefox and rid yourself of IE.
diz iz great!
da old firefox used sometimes lyk 90% of my memory capacity, if firefox hadnt been closed fo a long tym. they seem to have fixed that problem.
da new IE 7 is just SHEEYAT
dont ever use it. even loading a blank page at da beginning takes longer time than loading a porn vid.
This is tru
proud firefox 2.0 uzah
zince 10 minz ago
feelz zomewat tha zame. altho tiz haff a nu zpell check i juz notice.