Hahahaha tru tha LEGENDARY bus edition of tha DJ hath tha answah to yo (mahbaself in particular) doublenote problemz. Tha legendary leave out one note TECH which i hav circld in thiz diagram
unlike tha powah fo tha rapidly move the thumb trick, n tha sketchinezz of tha index fingah slide trick, tha leave out a legendary thumb note TECH with pedal iz PURE GENSUI n vil giv tha illuzion tha u hath DONGAH level double thirdz.
Ok, I lied, it’s situational. But like on da F# RH octz there, I would do 1-4 1-5, 1-5 1-5 1-4, 1-5 1-5 1-5, then you can switch back to 4 to start da G# an oct lower.
Edit: Be sure to utahlize da 1-3 octz to make a smooth, connected run upward in da first line.
tha buz says that octz runs like deze should be performed by playing da black key octz with one hand and da white keyz with da other hand. And he insists dat he invented diz technique