fuckin legend IAN PACE is lurkin da forumz atm

REVEAL YOURSELF!!! :rectum: :rectum: :rectum:

hahahahaa fuck


iz dat u? :lib:


ilikefinnisy :stop: :stop:

some ian pace quotes:

“…certainly parts of that Finnissy piece (by a long way his hardest work)” referring to Solo Concerto No. 4

“Xenakis’s Synaphai for piano and orchestra is his hardest piano writing, I think - this is on 10-12 staves and the pianist plays as much as they can, so this belongs in a similar category. The same is true of Evryali - both this and Synaphai lie in the ‘literally impossible’ category, I believe.”

RESPEC da xenakis. hardest works evah 8)

“Herma is very difficult, but basically playable (on the borderline of the ‘transcendental’ category, I believe).”

hahaha now you may respec MAH-BAD-SELF 8) 8)

“Flynn’s Trinity is certainly difficult, but not on the level of the above-mentioned, I think. Nor with Sorabji (who I don’t play because I don’t care for the music, essentially) - I don’t know the Symphonic Variations, but of all the other stuff I’ve seen (a considerable amount, though not everything) I’d say it’s very hard but not essentially problematic given sufficient time and attention, certainly not in the ‘transcendental’ category.”

soooo i play a piece harder dan sorabji… yes… u respec me damn gud.

“Anyhow, Aaron, more radically than any other composer I know of to date, developed a new vocabulary of types of attack and physical gesture to create different types of key noise, composed out using post-serial techniques as a reasonably independent parameter!!”

hahahaa wtf :lib: yezzzz… i know what dis means… >>

“don’t quote me on that”

ok… i’ll respect your privacy

he goes on to talk about many things like fast recs and moizt vs. modern.

he does not like da SDC.

how do u know that he is da IAN PACE? :stop: :stop: [/size]

i dont

yet :shrimp:

“I haven’t heard of Mei-Ting Sun or heard his Feux Follets - do tell me some more about him.”

fuckin HARSH :comme: :comme:


:dong: :dong: :dong:


tru! WHAT? tru! [/size]


:dong: :dong: