Haha What Zim CD

I’m getting mah grandpa a CD, either chamber music or Zimerman, and he doesn’t like “Modern” music.

What zuggeztions do you mildly have?

zum haydn zymphz pozz :whale:

Tiz not chambah muzik if its da zymph. Bezides he haz all da standard symphs. And like 4 sets of the Beethoven :slight_smile: :imp:

honeztly, da haydn zymphoniez iz quite sheeyat and there iz too many, 104 numbahz i think.

even da london zymphony, what’z so gud about it…

tru, but yo grandpa da dong CD. da dong rarely disappointz.


Da Zim not da dong cuz da dong is Zl*w compared to da ZIM.


fuck no

da zim tech iz sheeyat by comparizon

n i zuggezt u get him da DOC kaleidozkope cd

da bez cd i eva bought tru :doc:

hahahahaha tha lourie gigue

immortalizd by tha OHTA 8)

HAHAH wut do u find zo gensui abåut it?

da meph lovz da cd 2

-da Meph

hahaha sum Messiaen 8)

hahaha almoz all rare piecez, n all wikid, all zum of da DOCz bez playin

juz addicktive sheeyat tru :doc: