Hahaha Da op.10 no.2

Foh all your fucking fucks, shud u stil has any questons watch tiz sheyat from 2:30:

youtube.com/watch?v=haq0eLhi … ed&search=

hahahaha da rubato befoh recap getz sum extra ziffro :g: :g: :g:

oldddddddddd :g:

dasdc.net/forum/viewtopic.ph … ight=gould


Da Chopet study shud be recreated. Da missing part from da beginig shud be paste from da recap in ordah to :stop: accurately

WTF, da rubato did not get all da necessary attention. Tiz sheat sayz a lot about da extraordinary imaginative and musical qualitiez hof da young :g:


da trumofo got bored?

if i had to guezz i wud zay tiz an 88ztreet cuntributah iwuz thinkin tha hpil13 or quantum but they already haff ZDC accountz i.i.z.c.

i haff narrowd it down to one of tha followin ztreet uzahz:

pianostreet.com/smf/index.ph … ile;u=6723

pianostreet.com/smf/index.ph … ile;u=6065

(theze above 2 a bit legendary on tha 88)

or thiz uzah

pianostreet.com/smf/index.ph … ile;u=4059

or probably none :rock:


REZPEC to da Sherlok Holmz :dong:

8) 8) 8)

i figured it wuz tha kritty :lib:

gud work robbah



nay gor man ho lar ying, butt gor hai mo bun jao gor jack lar ying. 8)

haha wtf mate…

u still here? daim


I’ll trade u “fuck u all” foh da milf

Deal 8)

hmmm da gif iz from da swedish movie copz… stop watchin our moviez