HAHAHA DA ORGY rewrite hiztory :awaitin confirmation:


Live in Italy (Brescia/Bergamo?) 1972

A BIT RIDICULOUZ!!! :gold: 8)

hahaha fuckkkk 8)

thiz iz one of thoze zheeaytz peopel thought wud nevah b dun

lyk runnin a 5 minut mile 8)


ahahahaha tru

“heh, dat biatch!” :rectum:

wtf diz revisionizm :blush:




DA ZIZE :rudy:

zhe zhorly haf a bigga cock den any ov uz :gav:

WTF if tiz a true rec :open_mouth:


Sorry guys, but unless I’m very much mistaken… this is sped up.

There are only two Argerich 10/4s. This one - from Brescia, Italy 1967. And another from NY 1966. Both Live.

I just ripped the Brescia one off of CD and it clocks in at 1:38.

Right away, I can tell that my copy is the exact same performance as the one on this youtube vid… and since mine isn’t slowed down, that one must be sped up.

Here’s the original rec.


fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk :hatto:

HAHAHA tha candanin win again :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum: :rectum:


hahaha dayum :hatto:


:orgy: :hatto: :stop:

hahaha i believe diz uploadah

da GREG in dizguize 8) tryin to get mo rezpec fo hiz beloved granny

:rectum: “wtf… NOW u tell me” 8)

[color=yellow](New York, Carnegie Hall, 16 January 1966, live)
Enterprise [Italy] LV 96 6 (CD)

[color=yellow](Bergamo, 5 June 1967, live)
AS Disc [Italy] AS 122 (CD)
Hunt/Arkadi a [Italy] CDHP 574.1 (CD)
Legend [Italy] LGD 110 ( CD)
(Brescia, Teatro Grande, 6 June 1967, live)
Fonè [Italy] 91F03 (CD)

there are more than these 3 versions for sho. im 100% positive.

Well, I’ve personally listened to both the recording on FONE and the one on HUNT and they’re the same.

There are only two 10-4 recs, as far as I’m concerned. No collector page I’ve ever seen lists more than those two, except the ones who list the incorrect date of the FONE release.

There is actually a third CD containing a Chopin 10-4(and some other things, like 10-3 and 25 No. 1 - 6) which claims to be an Argerich rec from the 1970s, but Argerich herself has supposedly stated that it was not her rec.

hahah tru diz lykly da FONE(y) rec :orgy: :whale:

haha n da orgy ztate da 3rd wuz not her rec, i wud lyk to hear y : :ho: injap: 8)

ahahah in caze u iz tryin to claim diz cud be da 3rd rec…

da WHALE took 5 yrz to zhave 10secz offf da 10/4. zumhow i dun think da ORGY cud do it in one fuckin day :stop: 8)

haha da owned kritty.

hahaha da kritty
juz lizten to da rec
exact zame perf
even da applauze 8)

did da orgy unleash da 10-4 in her chop compet? i remembah she unleashed 3 chopetz.