2 dayz ago i randomly realize y da fuk ppl call him da mart

no now i juz realize wat da fuk “k-nar” meanz :whale:

hahahahaha da sl*w catz. :stop: :stop:

randomly da rod thought da mart wuz a chick. 8)

haha… there isn’t much intellect in da elaboration of “MART”

i still dun understand…

hiz old nickname wuz da ZUPAHMARKET

den da K-MART

n den da legendary juz MART

hahah n l-nar iz phonetic francaiz fo canard? pozzibly, but diz iz juz a bit random

well fuck, how could i have missed that?

thiz iz exaclty wat i realize

i nevah thought to read hiz name wit a frenchy accent :kan:

haha me neithah, I always said da k lyk Kay :laughing:

iz it like conard(the french word)?

-da Meph

nope, canard, which meanz duck

i c.

-da Meph

ahahaha tha mart