Dearest VISA who art in convenience
Hollowed be your card
When repossession calls start
It’s time to depart
Our best times should have been our last
Give us this day, the appeal for bankruptcy
and forgive us for our past
as we forgive those who aroused impulsive buying within us
lead us not into comission-based retail, and deliver us from sales associates
now, as in the hour of our credit check
for a world without debt
hAhHah randomly da decizion haff been made dat u iz mofo enough fo da ZAFE HOUZE zection of da UNDAHGROUND tru. even though u clearly dun meet da zuggezted requirementz, yo acceptance iz zolely…political
da i m robot (fo those who dun know/ appreciate) iz one of da forefathahz of CG. hiz phaze beginnah hiz 88-forum univerzity education at da CHOPINFILEZ college, where he graduate wiz diztinct honahz. he alzo haff given maztahclazzez at da pianoforum, howevah, diz wuz only fo a zhort period of randomnezz. da i m robot den, when da CHOPINFILEZ college randomly loze fundin, join da SDC to purzue hiz maztahz degree in zuicidal CG. one day, da mofo juzt dizappeared, n in a short da ROPZTA vuz born
hey ropsta was on chopinfiles too. derez im robot with hiz “Self iz self” sheeyat and ropsta with hiz “worship moi”. more perplexing dan da virt/winterwind revelation.