Happy new year!

Happy New Year to evryone on diz forum!

pozz da highlyt in diz year comp wize: chopcomp takin plaze in 9 months from nao (october)

alzo a zpecial year fo chop n schumann (200th berthdays)

da chop anniverzary will hopefully make da chopcomp even moa ekzitin :dong:

Tru da gensui bicentennials, looking forward to those. Btw this year must be pronounced twenty ten, anyone who says two thousand and ten is being inefficient. :doc:

09 wuz a bit zheeyat :gav: :gav: :gav: :gav:

rezpec u fuckahz :rectum:

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haha tru happy new year my internet piano friends 8)

lookin’ forward for da chopcomp, hopefully it’ll be more interesting than last time :blechacz:

Happy new year!

Dayum da 200th berthdey ov da Chop!
N tru are these comps broadcast live on any offizial zite or zumsheeyat?


diz iz COMP year

QEC, ChopComp, Geneve Comp. Bach Comp in Leipzig. Bartok Comp, sheeyat…

randomly 2009 was ok but not wikid!! i expect mo game in da 2010 cuz it sounds more cool 8) 8)

Ye I’m 99% sure the chopin competition will be broadcasted via internet, I think it was last time, too.

I’m looking forward to the list of participants (to be released in 2-3 months)
to see if there are any known names to watch out for :dong:

The jury has a bunch of decent names too:

Andrzej Jasinski (Chairman)
Martha Argerich :orgy:
Fou Ts’ong
Dang Thai Son
Philippe Entremont
Bella Davidovich
Nelson Freire :ziff:
Adam Harasiewicz
Kevin Kenner
Michie Koyama
Nikolai Lugansky :ziff:
Piotr Paleczny
Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron :dong: da teacher ov da blech :dong:

EDIT: Ye I wasn’t sure of posting the QEC because I couldnt find it listed on alink-argerich. It’s an awesome competition taking place in early/mid year. The last one made me get to know rashkovsky, vacatello etc…names that reappeared on the van cliburn 2009 :dong:

EDIT2: nice chazzneige in ur avatar vent :dong: :dong:

Oh dayum I haffen zeen any comps befo. It will be wikid :chop:
And w3sp, tru tha LAPD commandz rezpec.
Alzo, I fuckin LOVE tha diablo triztram sheeyat you made!
Mazz rezpec to yohbadzelf.

ahahaha man tha chop comp again? didnt it jz happen?

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tru… time goes fast

da lugy…er.

Is he there every year?

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