Hi I'm new aroung here

Hi everyone

I’m new on SDC - hope you’re all friendly
I’m not a great pianist; probably never will be, I’m studying Liszt; un Sospiro, Rach, Gmin prelude, and Schumann Grillen (Fantaziestucke no.3)

oh, and by the way my name’s Dave :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha REZPEC
u know da JEFF so u’r already semi-legendary

:stop: :stop:

now dat u joined - start learnin sum KAN :doc:

I’m Alkan so of course i’m legendary 8)

Welcome! :doc:

welcum! :comme:

pozzibly tru, but den u iz one old mofo

welcome. I am also studying da rach g minore prelude. is unsospiro muchmoh difficult?

-da Meph



barely welcome :dong:

Waddup Dave…

Enjoy the Liszt…

hahaha, i predickt he vil randomly neva return

lay off


He returned


I find it a lot more dificult.

Rach Gmin is built around 2 sections, kindov like a large A:B:A the A sections require loose wrists, and a very confrident touch. If you can get the wrists loose and get the notes, you should have little trouble with this section. It took me a while to learn the notes, and I’m hafin real trouble with the left hand; it just don’t like the wrist action!

The middle section is relatively easy technically, you just need a good right hand little finger to ring out the melody. If you can get the left hand sounding misty and murky, the section will sound good.

However, this section is never really alive until you discover the hidden melody which is passed between the hands. This is not too challenging and can be done with relative ease. I believe when you teach this piece you must point out this hidden melody as soon as they start on this section. Any good recording should show.

In Un sospiro, many extra factors come into play.

In the accompaniment a flat hand is required, keeping close to the keys to get a good even texture as it is passed between the hands. Ifyou can get a copy of the music, it is easy to see how the melody is sung at the top to begin with; but this is only one of many patterns you must get used to in the Liszt.

There’s 1 run you must learn which is not very technically challenging, although I’ve had some trouble. The piece kindov develops like a dream; you don’t know where Liszt will take you next. And in that, there are soo many tecniques to master, I’ve had a lot more trouble than on Rachmanninoff Gmin prelude.

1 thing though; the wrist action in the Rachmanninoff is harder to achive well than the techniques in the Liszt. But Liszt takes longer because Rachmaninoff requires this same touch all the time, and is quite easy in the B section.

tru :sunglasses:

tru :sunglasses:

i own