Horowitz's Daughter & Cziffra's son

These two legends have a terribly tragic thing in common; they both lost their children far too young.

Sonia Horowitz-

György Cziffra Jr.
György Cziffra Jr. - Wikipedia.

Both are rumoured suicides, but I can’t find confirmation on this.

Any info about either of their lives/deaths?

If I remember correctly Sonia died of an overdose, which may have been accidental. She had a pretty unhappy life, due in no small part to her father. Toscanini worshipped her though.

I think it was something similar with GC Jr. Not an overdose, then, but a tormented life. Two tragic stories alas.

Isn’t Cziffra jnr supposed to have been found burnt to death in front of the fire? I’ve always found that really odd. Of all the ways to kill yourself. Unless he OD-ed or whatever and the house went on fire after?

He did not kill himself.
Apparently he was alone n in a freak accident - his silk robe caught fire from da fireplace n he burned to a crisp.

Da ziff came back to the apartment and found da body.
Da “suicide” story is a myth, tru

Fuck. Never heard that one before.

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It’s what I’ve read too, but I guess no one really knows. I have heard he suffered from depression or something like that, he wasn’t content in life.

Da :zif:'s life story would be perfect for a biopic. Hollywood would fuck it up of course, but such a richly complex, inspiring yet melodramatic and tragic story.

Plus nobody would believe the WW11 train incident :smiley:

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Yeah I used to think so too, plus the name of his book would also make a great movie title.

Katsaris would sign up to play da Ziff tru.

He can be the pianist double for da old Ziff.

He’s been trying to play da Ziff half his life anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

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ahahah da moral of da ztory iz:

if yo dad iz a total fuckin LEGEND

den u iz deztined fo a lyf of zheeyatnezz tru :sunglasses:

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Sadly apparently true :frowning:

ahahahah da KAT playin da ZIFF

not even da MADAME wud approve of diz :sunglasses:

Well, da most tragic aspect of da ziff life is dat he married a dude in dragimage

Linebacker shoulders on this one!

Well, Kleiber seemed to have a nice life. Maybe not the happiest chap, but…