I iz yo saviah

Tru, now I know many of yo-bad-zelfz, n a lot of yo-not-zo-bad-zelfz haz been havin zum truble bringin da lulz, CG, inzane CG n LEGENDARY CG! :comme: to da SDC recently, n while i iz zure u all hazn’t zaid zo az to keep mah girth in check zo-az to not deztroy da SDC, cuz if 'twer unleazhed 'twud buzt open da left n/o rite wall of da jackzon minifo, n duz allow pianoztr**t bullzhit in… wut wuz i talkin about?

O yeah. Tru, we muzt all admit da SDC haz been goin down da icy, slippery slope of non-CG lately, n i moztly blame mah-bad-zelf fo not bein around. o da canadian. moztly him tru. u zhud alzo blame him. nevayz, in FIVE DAYS (trademark :stop: ) I vil attempt da mozt impozzible CG evah mildly attempted. Da comme, zepp, zhreddah n even da jalgor failed in da face of diz mighty CC. It haz remained untamed fo nearly 2 yearz, n I zhall MAZTAH it. n five dayz. o 4 :rectum: . Prepah yozelfz…

I vil grapple diz to da ground n make it mah bitch, n thuz bring peace/CG back to da SDC.

Now i meditate. :rock:

hahahahahahhah TIZ PIC!!!

[size=200]OH SHI-[/size]

hahaha sheeyat iz it even worth fightin foh? may/b/e we shud just go sumwhere else wink wink where dey liek humah

tru thiz clazzic Av wuz producd

WTF i spot charles rosen aka ‘angry smurf’

tiz thread iz just SICK.

Tiz tym :stop:

Do not read below if u haz not da high dozez of legendary CG within. cud be a zhock to yo zyztem, cause zupervitamintoziz. I ztrongly recommend iizcandiaen to look tho, randomly.



Camera-man: Ok guyz, everywun look natural!