i wish dis was my teacha

from a book by seymour bernstein

“i once played the wanderer fantasy by schubert for the late alesander brailowsky…a cautious tempo was my own admission that it was a hazardous piece. Brailowsky, however, had his own notion of the tempo. after the opening measures, he cried ‘faster.’ I went faster. but suddenly i felt my arm muscles contract. As the difficulties increased, so did the contractions in my arm. Just as my strength was waning, brailowsky shouted over the fortissimos ‘It’s not fast enough!’ that was too much…”

He obviosly did not rize to da challenge 8)

DAYUM! Da Brail must hof been some SD/CG prophet or something…dayum.




diz iz da mofo who unleashed complete chop in concert

i seen a vid of diz mofo doin a random chopwaltz, RESPECABLE SPEED

do you mean an all chop concert

or a concert where he played everything by chop

the last would be most respecable

especially if he did it all in one evening

dat would require not only extreme speed n fury but a judicios cutting out of da slow sheeyat :stop:

hahahaha, he did a seriez of concertz where he played every chop piece

HAHA, a tru mofo would only need one concert :doc:

hahahahaha da complete solo chop takez fuckin 12 hrz minimum

how wud u cut dat down? 8)

well, maybe if you started early, but you would need the endurance of a camel’s dong


hahaha datz rite

Julian Jacobson, a world class pianist, who was adjudicating at a competition i played in, gives regular concerts of all beethoven sonatas in a concert. yes, i mean all 32 in 1 day in 1 concert with 2 15 min breaks. hes mad!

[size=150]i wish dis was my teacha[/size]


dayum, i think dat is my teacha… :cry:

[size=150]which one?[/size] 8)


iz you really curioz?


you should know by now
