Idil Biret

I didn’t know she had such an impressive pedigree: Boulanger, Cortot, and Kempff.

I’m listening to her Pimp Douzets…maybe better than da Howard…though, is that a huge compliment?

Some reviewer described her Brahms Sonata 3 rec saying “the music suits her meaty tech.”

I’d agree. There is a masculine nature to her playing (tranny joke in 5…4…3…)

Also, the amount of rep she recorded at a high level is impressive on it own…regardless of whether the recs are “reference” level or not.

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Wtf? Daim, Respect!

Da Ideal Beret

I remember hmbeing surprised by her rach and Chopin complete brain rapes. Refinement fell away as she got older but it’s all pretty listenable!

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Her left hand tech is very impressive.

I never paid much attention to her because I just knew her as a Naxos artist and I had some bias against that label (Jando).

Anyhow, I decided to give her a chance and I like her playing more than most pianists out there today.


Great Boulez sonatas.
His less known recordings, especially the non naxos ones, are pretty good. The live performances I know are good too, such as her famous concert with Leinsdorf during which the news of the JFK assassination arrived.