if you could pick one piece in Ho's unrecorded concert rep

whut would u want to hear?

daim, knowing da Ho…

I’d just go for da Pimp DJ :blush:

as far as I know - diz da last time he programmed it:

:gold: :gold: :gold: :gold:

Yeah same, DJ from his graduation recital. :stop:

He programmed that mofo all ovah da place in his Russian rectals.

I’d randomly go for one of da all-Liszt 1925 Recitals with da DJ before he left Russia.

Too bad they never captured him in dat.
But there is a wonderful Barere rec from da 30’s. 8)

I’m sure I heard of VH playing Debussy’s L’isle joyeuse…I think it was live, and it was marvelous (of course!)

certainly, only the live recs exist. all from 1966

oh man:

this all-Liszt recital

gmlile.com/horowitz/HorowitzConc … ncertID=61

whut would u want to hear?

daim, knowing da Ho…

I’d just go for da Pimp DJ :blush:

as far as I know - diz da last time he programmed it:


Do you know of the tantalizing tidbits of DJ he played on video late in life while noodling at the piano?


Split into a few short parts I think.

yes I’ve seen that…

damn, he really must have owned the piece in his prime.

Tru, another DJ I would’ve loved to hear is from a 1920s-30s Arrau.
Bet that one was WIKID!

Certainly. Something more realistic would have been a Hofmann 1935 or 1940 recording, but sadly - he never had those concerts recorded…

I don’t see how it isn’t realistic.
He used to play quite often at that time, e.g. at his NY debut, and even by his own assessment it was very brilliant.
But tru there’s so much rep I would love to have heard Hofmann in, including the DJ.

There’s lots I’d like to hear - the Brahms/Paganinis, Figaro fant (if either can counted as unrecorded), several more Debussy Etudes, lots of Medtner, Liszt’s 6th Paganini, everything he played by Ravel, Feux Follets…

But if I could only pick one… Gosh I really don’t know. I don’t think it’d be the DJ since I doubt I’d enjoy him playing it. Maybe something by Ravel?

No, in fact, definitely something by Medtner. There are so may others who’ve done Ravel well already, but the Reminiscenza or Op.22 would be great to hear VH in.

Maybe he could’ve played a definitive FF, because at least for me, no one else has.

Yeah, same. Ashkenazy, Kissin and Berezovsky did mind boggling technical feats with it early in their careers, but they’re maybe more impressive than good. I’d like to hear a 1987 Pletnev play it.

I’d like to hear him in the Bach-Stradal Organ Concerto in A minor, BWV 593.

TRuuu like this recital! Damn!

gmlile.com/horowitz/HorowitzConc … ncertID=96

XSDC - are there any bootlegs from 1920’s Russia of VH? 8)

he apparently played the Bach-Busoni Tocatta and Fugue in d minor!

gmlile.com/horowitz/HorowitzConc … ncertID=95

the early Horowitz rep is just, INSANELY wikid.