Incisive/punchy Beethoven 7ths?

Which recordings do you think best fit this remit?

FWIW, the Kletzki/Czech PO rec prompted me to ask this. I find it quite satisfying in this regard.

Kleiber and Fricsay are probably my favourites. I love the furt recs, but they don’t quite fit into that category.

Cheers, I should check out Fricsay - I can well imagine he would be good for this. And of course, Kleiber is incredible. I’ve sort of put him to one side for the moment for fear of becoming blinkered.

i 2nd the live Kleiber one on Orfeo label

Yeah, I’ve sort of been peer pressured by everybody saying the RCO Kleiber 7th is the best. I think when it comes down to it, I prefer the one on Orfeo. The sound quality is incredibly warm and the performance is as good as any.