
:wood: : :tm: got into Mannes


dat iz debatable.
facebook doesn’t mean :tm:

tiz tru.

woah, for real?


tru he claimz tiz a full ride too

newsflash: mannes is a shithole, and overpriced

now that trumofo goes there, it is even more so.

haha da Mannes, i’m glad my friend didn’t apply there and instead went to Montreal with Durand (pozz)

Svetlanova is on the faculty at Mannes.

i don’t know her :wink:

never heard of svetlanova. any relation to the legendary evgeny svetlanov?

Yes. His former wife.

Nina Svetlanova studied with Heinrich Neuhaus at the Moscow Conservatory, and is on the faculty at MSM and Mannes. Greatest piano teacher in the world (in my not-entirely-unbiased opinion).

If two of your students ended up being the two greatest pianists of their time, Richter and Gilels, then I guess you’d be the greatest teacher in the world. There is some luck there, but Richter did acknowledge Neuhaus as great.

isn’t peter suckkin there? fuuuuuck

I’m gonna have to nominate Leschetizky (fuck the spelling) as a better teacher…

ahahha courtezy of tha tm yaho HO group pozt

"Horowitz is legendary only until 1936. Enough said. Not his fault -

its America’s. Richter said America ruined him, and it is true."