Iz my UNI teacher officially insane?

here’s wut i heff to learn all at once tru:

2 Bach preludes and 2 fugues dat I myself requested…Im an idiot…
da 10-1 chopet, becuz for me tiz not at all as hard as da 25-12, 10-2, 25-6, or 25-8, and my bad self luvs it anyways and i wanna learn a chopet…

da Bach PC in d minor for ensemble class…

lol I am seriouzly practicing my ass off…

da WTC 1 prelude 2 ztill gives me trouble…

:doc: : dat sheeyat is hard, tru…

but shes randomly a gud teacher…i elarned mo in my first class with her dan i ever did in 2 years with my previous teacher…she taught me a lot about relaxation and how to practice da prelude in da first lesson…

n shes randomly young… :whale:

u KNO wut im thinking, tru…

who much u haff :stop: to learn dis sheeyat?


da randomnezz of diz pozt

i WOOD donate zome ziffrozz to ur bad zelf but i iz zhort on ziffroz

8) 8)

dude, wtf r even ziffros for???

im guessing i heff 2 months…maybe less, i iz not sho…

shes not even dat bad…da best teacher in my uni randomly gives a new piece for his students every 4 days and he expects it to be done…in dose 4 days…

a bit nuts…dey practice lyk insane, but he rly knows how to increase deir tech, tru…

is u teachah hot?

  1. pozt picz of yo teachah :comme:
  2. 2 monthz iz LARGELY enuff to learn all diz zheeyat
  3. gud luk

i lyk to add something to da catz pointz:

  1. :ho:
  1. My teachah iz randomly a quite attrative mid-30’z Julliard masterz sheeyat frum venezuela.

  2. Tha lazt lesson she cancelled with me wuz fo thiz mofo reazon: she wuz in Germany cuz zhe randommly decide to get on da airplane n go see tha Italy/France final.

-1. Zhe has a boyfriend.

hahahahahah ok, i wanna c u learn dat in 2 monthz, and post recs…

and oh yea, i randomly forgot da aria of da goldy variations and da first 3 variations…

which p&f’s u gonna play?

hahahahaha, maybe if yo rep choice waznt zo :confused:
i haff my own zheeyat to take care of


my rep choice is badass…wuts wrong wiff da bach??? i luv da bach…

nothing, Bach is great

so, which p&f u will play?

respec for that

hahahahahah wtf, da bach fuckin wikid, but yo rep choice covah a period of approx 10 yearz :dong:

id rathah work on at leazt 1 piece from each period at a tym

WTC 1, Prelude and fugue 2, and prelude and fugue 4…

:zheer: 8)

a juzt prediktion