Iz my UNI teacher officially insane?

trumofo altz are eaziah to zpot dan a wild lion ravagin mah azzhole, fauzt iz defeintely one of dem.

lmfao at da Catz…god damn…

i think that most people that have corresponded with me and read my posts would agree that i’m not trumofo

i will still race you on the barber fugue steinwaymofo

you are such a pussy

go back to 88ztreet with your faggofied rep suggestionz

hahahahha fuck!!! i meant NOT one of dem

da trumofo iz actually a nice mofo (altho a bit inzane) da fauzt iz juz a cocky prick

Yeah, I’ll end up recording just about all of that at some point this year. I need to do Op. 101 and the Chopin Sonata for conservatory pre-screenings and I should have those up by the end of November. I’m performing the Rach 3 in January, although it’s with a second piano, and I should have that rec sometime mid-February. I’m having a recital around February 20th, with the Bach A Minor, Op. 101, Chopin 3, Ballade 4, Babadjanian and Rach Etude, and I’ll have that recorded, and then I’ll have another recital in May with Op. 111, the Barber, maybe the Bach and I might resurrect Mephisto just for old times sake. We’ll see…but I definitely will post the recs when I get them, especially since I don’t have jack shit of anything else.

As for the challenge,
you are so on. and so dead.


we zhud rezurrect da world cup betting sgeeyatz fo thiz :lib:

personally my ziffroz iz rooting fo Fauzt in thiz one

i concur


ahahahaha CORRECTLY!


ahahaha correctly


betting on faustsaccomplice? his mephisto was 14 minutes long. I can play it faster than that with my dick.




funny how zum people think fauzt iz a prik n steinwaypuzz iz not

i got frum fauzt pozt that there wuz pozzibly a CG/friendly/sdc challenge happenz

howevah frum steinwaymofo pozt I get “How dare u challenge me!!”

zo zteinwaymofo: yo rach3 mvmt wuz alright in da zenze that i cant play that sheeyat o even cum cloze…and thats about it. u izpozzibly not even cloze to az good as u think u are. fuk! i can’t even think of a penizt dat have a emoticon here tiz az cocky az yo

you’ll never live up to tha level that u talk yozelf up zo i zuggezt zum humility immediately…fo now tho i laff at u

hahahahahah i think zteinwaymofo iz a biggah cock dan fauzt, but dat doeznt make fauzt any lezz of o ne

a piano-fan who doesn`t like liszt is either ian ignorant s.o.b or doesnt like romantic-period music. stenwayidiot likes romantic music…

-da Meph

ur kewl volickmyballs

You iz asian

tis exzpected :dong: