Jacqueline du Pre Dvorak Cello Concerto 1967

Dvorak Cello concerto with Jacqueline du Pre and Sergiu Celibidache. Live, Stockholm, 1967

.rar file, mp3 format + info

rapidshare.com/files/28711018/Dv … idache.rar


Thanks! The cello is such a great instrument so I guess its time for me to listen some great music written for it!

i’ve been playing a bunch of stuff for 88 and cello these days
it’s one of my favorite instruments as far as its sound, and the repertoire written for it.

this is a great piece, but imo slava owns it.

Have you actually heard this recording?

nope, i havent because i am content with the one i have.

No interpreter OWNS any work. They just bring different approaches to masterpieces.

I love Rostropovich’s Dvorak too, especially the one with Karajan. But I also love du Pre’s Dvorak.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying many different interpretations. I suggest you download it and have a listen, if only once.

diz iz totally debatabl :comme:


All I’m saying is, download it, and listen to it, for f;@$'s sake!

dvorak owns it :laughing:

Sounds great!

I love Dvorak. According to some, this is one of the most difficult concertos for cello.

Personally, much as I love Celibidache, I would say this recordings isn’t nearly as successful as Du Pre’s other Dvorak rec - with Barenboim. Personally, I like Casals/Szell in this work, followed by Rostropovich/Talich and Rostopovich/Boult.

I do like this Du Pre/Celi rec for the nice sound quality though.

Well, I see it like this: it is a live recording, in EVERY way. That is, it is electric, but at the same time with all the flaws that can be found in a live concert. It’s du Pre at her most energetic and inspired, in my opinion.
Her version with Barenboim was recorded when she already displayed symptoms of MS, and I don’t think it’s as successful as it could have been. My Dvorak references are: this 1967 performance with Celi, and the 1969 Proms performance with Sir Charles Groves.