seriously wtf is this shit?
and who the fuck is that aged Euro ho?
man, she gonna be a direct competitor to Lola if she shows legs.
who the fuck
Probably had more cock than da
I’m muddling him up with
hey now. it’s 2025.
Taking cock is a compliment. And you’re $5 richer.
I’ve never seen any proof richter or horowitz were gay. I mean lang lang is supposed to be straighter than these guys? Look at his face. I’m not buying it. LIberal biographer psyop.
Sure they may have had a tug or two from their bros but shit pulled out of proportion.
LMAO pozz they were bi-curious or sum shit.
I was wrong ::link to my canned apology letter I can never find::
do we have proof Wanda not a man?
I’ll wait.
Yeah I’m not buying it. Sure, he may have spent time doing bukkakke for high ranking officials on the post WW2 germano-kink revenge sex circuit, but times were tough. Dude’s gotta eat.
easy. da Richter a clone and one of the clones Gay because of side effect of secret cloning program
explains huge rep too.
My favorite richter clone was 1950 through 1960 or so.