Lazar Berman question

Did he play any Prokofiev PC 2? It would be amazing to hear him in that work (that I just now discovered :blush: )

haha dayum, u were a prok 2 virgin? ah well, waiting always pays off :comme:

and i don’t have this rec, i don’t even know if it exists. Guttierez studio rec is quite amazing, i’ve always listened to that one if i wnated to hear the work

No, Berman never recorded it, and I’ve never heard anything about him playing it in concert either.

Gutierrez is generally your best bet when you’re discovering the work. After that, there are a couple worth looking into, such as Bolet, Eckardstein, Baloghova, Browning, Early Cherkassky and one of the live Lugansky recs.

Also decent are Yundi, El-Bacha and Beroff.

Ashkenazy is not great and Toradze is hideous.

This one is quite awesome

Thanks guys for those infos! Can anyone upload Gutierrez?

Btw. I found on Berman’s discography site (

Piano Concerto No.2 Op.16

* 21.3.1977. Conductor unknown, Richmond Symphony Orchestra. 
      o Audience recording.

Interesting. If that does exist, then it’s probably very rare.

I think Lugansky looks bored in this vid, and it kinda shows in his playing.

Yeah, there are other live Lugy Prok 2s that are much better than that BBC one.

Guys, can somebody upload Gutierrez Prokofiev 2? I still didn’t found it…

Here you go kreso

Respect Nicco!!

rezpec, but jebus those captcha codes were brutal