List 1838 TEs

how much harder r these TEs than the revised ones???

I didnt know the TEs could get any harder, lol…

anybody got the sheetz???


They’re much less comfortable. There is much more effort for much less effect in them.

There’s a great few paragraphs from Alan Walker’s book about this. If you want to know about it, check that out.


hahahaha, dere iz minimal difference in a few

but onez lyk no2, no8, n no10 are different enuff n hardah den da TE verzionz to make dem vally woerthy of playin.

IMO any mofo lernin da TEz zhud alzo lern deze 3, n pozzibly mo.

Da #4 needz da prelude and ztuff and needz zpeed. Perhaps if you drew in da firzt theme of the Da #4 you culd put it in da Mazeppa for another theme for extra fury in the octavorz.