Mannes: tiz fucking legendary

tru, sum mofoz say dat it is a shithole.

BUt if it was gud 'nuff fo da fucking MT

tiz mo den gud enuff fo da TM

especially since I iz going dere fo free :slight_smile:



the faculty is monsterous,

who will you be studyin with?

Goode just came here (CIM) and gave a masterclass actually.


and randomly, i doubt that it would ever be as much of a shithole as Manhattan S of M.

AHAHA, I heard dat MSM iz legendary, tru.

I iz studying wiz Jerose Rose (luckily he will be away until February, I can get cracking on da Liszt Hung Rhap 9). Rose is da kindest mofo I ever met, a tru legend.

Very nice;

heโ€™s a monster iโ€™m sure.

You will do well there, itโ€™s a great school and IMO cranks out (generally) better musicians than Eastman and Manhattan. Of course there are great musicians everywhere.