mozart 491

concerto nr24 c-moll
does the soloist play the melody with the orch in the beginning?
my sheets (peters) is contradicting with the recordings

oh nvm in the back it says back in mozart’s time the piano wasn’t as loud and the orch was smaller…
so the soloist plays along in the tutti sections


fuck off, diz iz da SDC


hahahaaha tha mofo laughing iz one badmutha 8)


Who is Mozart? Is he a composer? Is he alive.?If not when did he live? If he is still alive where does he live? Did he compose anything good for the piano? anything recomendable?
Is he a SDC composer? I ask all these questions cause I really want to know.

-The ignorant Mephisto

I dontz th :laughing: ink zo!!

hahaha, da mozart iz a bit