My Introuvables de Cziffra came in da mail 2-day...

ma expression since I first cracked it open —> :open_mouth:

Dante Sonata, Totentanz, other awesome Liszt (get the other Cziffra Liszt set with the Rhapsodies on EMI too), Schumann, Beethoven, classy Baroque shit, da Ziff’s transcriptions. Just so much great stuff.

8 awesome CDs for around $65 cdn.

A prerequisite to joining dis forum is ownership of this ULTIMATE SDC SET.

hahaha sheeyat

i own 16 or so ziff cdz

i wud buy da set if dere waznt an ovahlap

hahaha da ziff plays da ludy ?
I haff to hear dat
I iz expecting much CG

hahahahaha, yep - ive herd dat he holdz back hiz cock in luddy

Haha this is true. The Sonatas are very laid back and are among the most fury-less in da collection, but are good interpretations nonetheless. 8)

hahahaha im sho 8)

that’s too expensive.

i spent only 35 US dollars for that box set, 8 CDs.

the condition is like new.

65 CNDs = 48 USDs

buy it from

the best place on earth to spend money.

hahahahahaha, u sho itz safe?

100 % safe if u r smart enough.

SRY, i cant comply with dat

the lack of intelligence is very common in ur post.

hahahahahaha wrong

Haha, if dis “lyk new” means “listened to more dan once” it probably means somebody had a ziff induced orgasm all ovah da box… 8)

shiz bro take a chill pill your scales is whak

go dawg, shiz yo niz, piz yo chiz, lick ma niz

that is an awsome choice for cziffra cds. it is really a good deal, and it contains all the best rec of cziffra. it has da tchaikovsky concerto. in tower records, new yourk, 1 average cziffra cd costs about 50-60 bux. But da introuvables offers you much , much more huge cccccccccccccccccccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkksssss
for da same price!!!