New Hamelin Disc(s)
The Reger & Strauss. I believe his Liszt disc will be out the same month, although I could be mistaken. That will contain the Sonata, Venezia e Napoli, Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude and Fantasy & Fugue on BACH.

Nice info, I want da new Liszt 8)

I was hoping the Strauss would contain the two works for Wittgenstein, but I guess this is alright! The Reger would be a good listen though. Does anyone here have a recording of it for upload?

In other words - I bought the 51st volume (Taubert and Rosenhain) recently, will rip this weekend and upload.

I was just thinking I needed another pedantic account of the liszt sonata… blarph…

the reger concerto should not be missed. thats one epic concerto that could use another good recording, and his should be great.

i have a recording of the reger with derwinger and segerstam. interest?

yesss why not! post pls 8)

And the Liszt:

He should record something else IMO.

why should he? he’s like any other pianist, recording repertoire that he sees fit to record at a given time. and he usually does a good job with it.

At least the sound quality of this Liszt disc seems to be better than most of his recs. I absolutely can’t stand how dead most Hamelin recordings sound - like they were recorded in a padded room with the lid closed.

well you know what richter said about talking sound quality :stuck_out_tongue::P:P:P:P:P:P:P

i agree, but its a small price to pay for a good recording, in my opinion. i look at it just as i would look at a recording that is pre-1950 or pre-remastering.

I love Hamelin’s playing. But I especially love how he plays so much non-standard repertoire wich mostly is of very high quality. I would just like it if he continued with that instead of recording standard-repertoire wich houndreds of other pianists also have recorded (and often played really well too).

^ completely agree with this - (actually that’s what i tell people when they ask me why i prefer to play “funny stuff” instead of beethoven/rach/etc.)

well, i do agree with both of you, to an extent. i really, really wish he could do both at the same time. im not saying i want him to play standard repertoire more, im saying that i welcome it at something that only makes him look better to new comers, whereas when they finally get to know him, they can see that he plays a lot of nonstandard, interesting repertoire, which he will hopefully keep producing.

he does appear to become more and more satisfied with the rep he already has though (both repertoire and reputation). for example: the programme he’s playing in london soon, which is a bunch of standard repertoire with the wolpe studies on basic rows inserted in the middle?

I’d have been happier if he’d have subbed the re-run for some TEs. :stop: