Ning An

Yeah I’ll bet that was Random. What’s your deal with Russell Sherman?

I was wondering the same thing.

and i haff changed da title accordingly 8)

Poland invited diz bitch juzz because he won da nation chop bitchy comp … what a bitch !
we’ve got hell better pianists dan diz bitch and we are not invited to the festival in Duszniki … what a bitchy life !

and hez zo fuckin zlow !!!

yea , and we’re supposed to be so !

uhh i’d be anything but sherman’s bitch

sure 8)

what about da pregnant britney with random oestrogen overflow, with K-fed have a pen in his RH drawing bulleye on ur ass, and his throbbing cock in his LH?


allright fine, nvm

i originally meant that i wud be anybody’s bitch from dat list

“Rectum bitches, Dongah bitches, Bear bitches, Ziff bitches, Doctah bitches, Lesbo bitches, etc.”