it should be da defenders responsibility not to let da attacker behind him.
but also it might bring about da consequence of making teams more paranoid and defensive, pushing back their defensive line, hence making effective attacks even more scarce.
oh always the off side rule. I think it is a good rule, at least when you hear about why it was invented.
I must then say that baseball and basketball are fun sports, I was a bit harsh before. it is just that I can`t understand why soccer is so unpopular in the USA.
If people want to cherry-pick, why not let them?
Soccer has never caught on professionally here in the States, but is immensely popular among kids and college women.
diz iz like sayin “plz ztop makin spaceship meazurementz in da metric system, becauze mah country haz chozen da mozt pozzible sheeyat way of bein different from da rezt of da world.”
you are disgusting to me. in soccer people do actually kick a ball all the time. therefore it is football. in american football they sheldom kick the ball, making the title football missleading.
in american football they uses all this equiptment so that they wont get hurt. non of that in real football. what about rugy, it is basicly a more hard core form of american football - or may I say - american football is a “soft” form of rugby.
da faking of injuries is just a part of da cg in football. and it is mostly an italian fenomene(sp?). come on!
Haha, how many 6’6 310 pound mofos dat run a 4’4 40 are dere in soccer or in rugby? Da average age of retirement of an NFL american football player is age 26 years, there is a 84% chance they will have a ratable permanent disability for the rest of their lives, they estimate every pro football game played is the equivalent of being in a motor vehicle collision. How da fuck can you compare dat to guys running around kicking a baill wearing shin guards??? I was in a rugby league in college and it was not like playing football believe me. Pull your head out of your ass mofo
I would LOVE to see Ray Lewis destroy some hapless rubgy player or see a rugby player try and tackle Jerom Bettis just once to shut up this inane argument once and for all.
To be serious(it is difficult to be serious in this place).
It all comes down to taste. As a norwegian I am brought up on football. It was a natural part of my childhood and it still is.
While you americans are brought up on american football and therefor you like it. I am 100% sure that you wouldnt even know the rules for american football if you werent born there, or been rased there.