Kobe at the buzzer in OT = WTFOMGBBQ
Kobe at the buzzer in OT = WTFOMGBBQ
what a prick !!!
hahaha fuck im izzd thiz.
my theory about tha KOBE iz that he iz a computer
I will post the game in tha brothel tonight sometime. pozzibly tomorrah
It was legendary. Too bad Nash got stiffed on that last inbound
wich game is this?baseball, basket?
btw soccer rules!!!
-da Meph
hahhahhaahah fuck u haf tha game?
much rezpec, but u dun need to pozt tha whole sheeyat maybe juz tha end of tha 4th n OT pozzibly
the Lakers suck this year
hahahagame 7 tonight
i haf a bad feelin kobe wil juz pwn tonight
Kobe is planning to chill at home for couple months starting from tonight.
Mr. MVP=1 point in the 2nd half.
mah bad self still dun know wich sport diz iz.
u americans haff to have all diz crazy gamez nobody else even cares about.
-da Meph
Yeah, what can compare to those epic sports like soccer and curling?
daim, da americans’ lack of football appreciation iz legendary.
I can only watch highlights (and this coming from someone who actually enjoys playing soccer).
tiz unfortunately tru dat increazingly many football gamez aktually end in boring drawz. but a great football game iz much more exciting den a great basketball game imo.
and anyway comparin it to curling iz juzt outrageous.
yeah what can compare to an epic sport like soccer?
curling iz strangly appealing to watch al tough I have only watched a couple times.
basketball iz great. but because of all the goals it looses its charm. a football match do often end with numbers like 1-0 2-1 etc and than making every fucking goal an event in them self.
what ever makes u happy
-da Meph
Just my stupid opinion, but I think the excitement of soccer would improve dramatically without the stupid offside rule.