Oistrakh - Beethoven Violin Concerto

Studio rec


Sweet man! Which cadenza does he play?

Kreisler cadenzas. They’re the best, after all… :rectum:

Approved :rock:

my all time fav version is still menuhin/furt '51.

that’s totally a mesmerizing perf.

Agreed. Menuhin with Furtwangler on EMI and Live Oistrakh with Rozdestvensky on Brilliant Classics are my two absolute favourites.

There are a couple good 1940s Hefeitz live recs too. Plus, I really enjoy Szigeti, Huberman, Francescatti and Stern.

is the live one part of the 10 cd brilliant classics set? I’ve got it but haven’t had time to listen to anything except the mendy.

Yeah, it’s from the Brilliant set.

The mendelssohn in the Brilliant set isn’t that good though… I’ll be posting Oistrakh’s only other Mendelssohn rec - with Ormandy / Philadelphia orch.