Oscar in Paris, Live at the Salle Pleyel

amazon.com/Oscar-Paris-Peter … F8&s=music


haff fun! :astonished:scar:

Super Duper respect.

Any Oscar requests? I have almost 100 of his recs.

thanks man, but i dont need right now, since u haff uploaded couple oscar recs and next week i will get some Oscar at the blue note recs.

lyk this for example.
amazon.com/Live-Blue-Note-Os … F8&s=music

hm, actually some Oscar’s solo piano performances would be nice to hear, ive heard so far only his Hannover solo, which u posted.

thats quite something collected!!!

me was too late to pick up the hannover concert of Dr.Peterson - could you be so kind and think about uploading again?

that would be nice

btw-:-is there a complete list of what Oscar recorded? on the official hp sadly not very informative

Try allmusic.com - they have a pretty thorough discography.

I’ll repost the Hannover 1972 when I get a chance.

Try this DVD, it’s excellent:
amazon.com/Norman-Montreux-P … UTF8&s=dvd

