perfect pitch

That’s a good way to come over intelligently, just copy paste what I said, and say that you meant that.
Behold how da dimwitted fuckwitt can appear like he’s got half a brain.

Obviously you can recognise patterns without pp(that’s why the previous example was better), the discussion isn’t if someone can sightread without pp, but that aided with pp someone can do it more musically, faster and more accurately than someone without.

Again, hopefully you’ll understand it this fucking last time.
The foreigner typing over 2 a 4’s of shit, say an Italian that doesn’t no any english, he uses the same alphabet, he sees patterns(foreign words) but he doesn’t have a clue what it’s about.
If he knows how to type he should be able to type it.

Now a native, knows the language, subvocalises understands what it’s about.

Again who do you think would do better?

Someone with a basic understanding(knows the alphabet, and I’m not talking about chinese to keep it simple)or someone with a full understanding?

One last thing, coz of the whole topic of pp, sightreading is probably the least interesting, unless of course you’re reading a symphony.

The comparison with poetry is valid.

You say poetry is for homos, I’m surprised you even took up playing the piano isn’t that what they say about pianists and people that are into classical music as well?Or no my mistake, that’s your own opinion :wink:

Music and poetry are the same, only one conveys the feelings with music and the other with words, idem dito with paintings.

Not that I’m even fond of poetry but that’s beside the point.

excuze moi, but it appearz u iz in da wrong place: 8)

nevahdalezz, let me clarify diz sheeyat fo u: yo typing example appliez EXACTLY n PRECIZELY to da mechanical n technical pattern recognition skillz. da lettahz r da individual position of da keyz. da wordz r da scale/arp/thirdz/octz/rpt notez all da technical patternz in all da keyz dat must be memorized b4 hand, n da undahstanding of sentencez da theoretical knowledge of logical modulationz etc. now tell me WHERE DA FUCK duz PP fit into yo example? Fo predickting a plot twist 80 pagez out in a novel u iz copying out so you’d know exactly wut to type in 2 hourz time when u actually get dere???

u mite think im just arguing ma pointz, but wut i really mean iz:

diz iz a WIKID way of gettin ma ideaz acrozz, az u no doubt agree



da PP

i dun haff a PP, i got a HUGE DICK

Still the best sightreaders have pp…

Anyways, before this turns into a mudslinging contest, I’ve made my point, you’ve made yours. We both feel the other should have understood it by now.

Funny, never thought the discussion would be about this kind of (to me) obvious stuff, like the benefits of pp.

I would have expected it would have been about things like:
Is it attainable in the first place?
Its known that most, if not all infants can learn it in the ages 3-6 years.
It’s also known that people that speak mandarin have a much higher percentage than in the west of people with pp.
(pp,the musical language?)

Also blind people are a lot more likely to have it, (and autistics etc).
(relying on hearing to ‘see’ colors?)

Also it’s known that research on people with pp shows that a similar area in the frontal lobe lights up when hearing a tone, while with others that don’t have it there’s no clear pattern during the scan.
Also Bach frontal lobes were meant to be enormous.

But what’s the causality?

Is it because of that, people have pp? Or is that everybody has it but they know how to use their brain in that way.

I obviously think and hope it’s the latter, I believe you can basically form your own brain to a very high extent, stimulate a certain part of your brain and it ‘grows’.

It’s a start anyhow in my long arduous quest fo da holy grail. … arTest.php

It’s a start the first 5 tones free, want the other 7 as well you have to pay, unless of course somebody’s got the decensy to hack dis thing

i’ve decided da cunt iz gay, but da jazzpeniz isz too n he iz zandin behind da cunt

…and there iz da zeppp az well… :dong:

uh, perfect pitch sure as hell helps

But so do intervalic relationships if you don’t have it.

It helps me especially with violin (though I only have selective perfect pitch - white keys, b flat, f sharp) i practice less than the violinists at my school and have better intonation than most when i actually learn something

unfortunately this semester has sucked ass and is way too busy.

so many words, so little points


:rob: 80% :mart: 88% 8)

:zepp: 47% :whale:


what is there to point out? You hear notes, you can play them. I’m sure it makes memorizing much easier. Shit I bet someone with perfect pitch could listen to a piece enough and write out the notes on paper without looking on manuscript.


:wood: :wood: :wood:

But even he said “Perfect pitch is overrated.”

88.1% u fuckah