Pianists with biggest repertoire

no joke. just program the java suite already, you fuck.

I reckon Zimerman’s being a bit disingenuous there.
I bet the real reason for his small performing repetoire is because he’s such a perfectionist (like Michelangeli).


Is it possible to be BOTH a perfectionist AND have a giant repertoire?


Exaktly, I zekond dat- it iz NOT in da TRU zpirit of ZPEED and EFFIZHENZY

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It is, but only if you’re a violinist, preferably named Heifetz :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:

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da Arrauzal was known to have the biggest rep iirc.
Pozz might be also zumone like Graham Johnson - there’s already 600 zongz and that’s just Zherbert.


ahahahah da anzah to diz can only be da DOC

da zheeyat iz

da DOC can alzo pull a FRAME/MACHINE n zay

“i only perf 1% of ma actual rep” :sunglasses:

tru bazically, diz ghey claim dun mean zheeyat

alzo undahztand dat, 90% of da ‘rep’ of a ztandard big rep mofo lyk da RECTUM/ARRAUZAL, becummah pure ziterape exercizheeyatz to mofoz at da DOC/LIB/WHALE level of penizm :sunglasses:

Haha da zepp obviously missed da coq’s post about da DOC live memo lapses, and da whale already playing with da score in hiz 40s sheeyat he used to play from memory. At least Richter was 70+ when he started using da score, and Arrau never did.