post the world-record marks of the chopets



Officially confirmed records:

10/1 -waiting fo MT’s reply
10/2 -1’01 RUDY
10/4 -1’31 Da Rectum
10/8 -1’59 (Da Penis woman to be confirmed)
10/12 -2’11 Da HOG (Da Penis woman to be confirmed)
25/2 -timing unknown, Da Penis woman FO SHO (Sounded like a sub1’10)
25/3 -1’29 to da ending of da flourish, Da SOCK
25/6 -1’30 without ending chords, Da Brownie/David da Saperton/Ziff
25/8 -0’53 Ziff
25/10 -0’39 A section, Da Gavinataur
25/11 -2’40 Allegro con brio, Da Gavinataur
25/12 -timing unknown, Da Penis woman FO SHO (Sounded like a sub1’50)


and cortot for da 10/11

dis shud not be discounted - cos dis fucka is HARD

WTF? 8)

da wikid thing about da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da cortot is da pogo style uniqueness

hahaha, da word da is da wikidest

ahahahaha i requezt a zepp reupdate of officail :stop: tru :chop:

ppl iz still talkin chopetz? wtf iz it 1997?!

Chopetz vil ztill be played in 2097 and in 2197, so wuts ur point?

u luv teh cock

are u referring to my legendary work on 24 cocketz thru all keys?

I think this needs to be edited to reflect the Berman 10/2 and 25/8, and the Sokolov 25/12

Bar - 10/5
Friedman - 10/7
Backhaus - 25/2
Orozco - 25/4
Bear 25/8

and da benchmark ov all chopetz iz da dongah 10/5.
