prepair yourself for masturbationz because of coming next ..

Video od da Kobra playing da Rach etudez … my proffesor is goin to give me tha dvd so i can enjoy his good playing as she told me today ill play few etudes of rachmaninovz etudez in tha june exam so ill see if i like tha etudez she choze fo me … haha dayum … my prof is just great!

i juzz need to know how to rip a dvd so i can post it fo ya … so i juzz need technical help



if you manage to succeed

i will respect you forever


i can offer u my person guidance.
or go to here

it tells u how to use “autogk” and “dvd decrypter” (those are 2 freeware that u need to use to convert a DVD to mpeg4 or xvid)

if u need further assistance, let me know

so will i. expect many uploads in return!

Pozzibly I saw da Kobra (azzuming datz the Kobrin) play the Rach etudes live a few weeks ago. Solid tech but he was actually a bit boring. I think he needs to log on to dasdc for a while to learn how to show off a bit.

da KOBRA iz truly a bit sheeyat 8)

if we meazha da sheeaytnezz of recent comp winnahz it vil be lyk diz:

da CHIENNE :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme:

da KOBRA :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme:

da RAF :comme: :comme: :comme:

da HORZEFUCKAH :comme: :comme:

da NEBO :comme:

well tha bezt part of da kobra for me iz when he doesnt show off … i rezpec him and i really like him … he’ll be quite big in future i suppose

aftah cin da CHIENNE 2 times in concert I think she iz a fair peniz

… in Zcarlatti 8)