Proms 2009

New season of Proms concerts list is up. Bit of a strange line-up this year. Lots of 2-piano works. Hough is doing the 3 Tchaikovsky concertos and Concert Fantasy, all of which are to be televised except the 2nd concerto (shame as its my favourite of them)

simonme20, i hope you could record those televised concerts and share them with us.

pozz da pilkah alzo :doc:

or da comme :comme:

Absolutely I record them anyway.

Absolutely I record them anyway.

awesome, thanks in advance for recording them. in addition to the ones you named, there are a few more i would like to see recorded.

i’ll be recording the lot too… so no worries. We’ll be sure to get them some way. there’s some angelich (schumann pc), aimard and Lang Lang too.

2nd always gets neglected :imp: